Air Rifle
We organized an air rifle team in 2004, as a stepping stone discipline for youth wanting to continue in shooting sports, but were maturing past BB Gun. Air Rifle is divided into two divisions: sporter and precision.
Sporter air rifle is unique in that it utilizes lower priced rifles without all of the physical adjustments available on a precision air rifle. The majority of the sporter air rifles used by the Pierre Junior Shooters are Air Arms Model S200.  These are top of the line sporter air rifles utilizing compressed air.  In sporter air rifle, the shooter also cannot wear any special shooting clothing other than wear a shooting glove.
Precision air rifle is the next step beyond sporter air rifle. If you have watched Olympic air rifle competition, you've seen precision air rifle. Precision air rifle is just as it sounds.  The rifle costs upwards of $1500 to $3000, and has many adjustments available to the shooter to precisely fit the gun to the shooter in an attempt to make the perfect or "precision" shot.  Shooters also wear shooting coats, pants, shoes, etc.
The Pierre Junior Shooters have predominately a sporter air rifle team.  Some shooters who wish to advance to collegiate level competition with eventually an eye on possible Olympic glory have moved on to the precision air rifle discipline.  Both divisions shoot the same ammunition, and shoot at the same type of targets.  They also shoot from the same positions: prone, standing and kneeling.
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