Pierre Jr Shooters compete at Douglas County

Wednesday, April 9, 2014
The Pierre Jr Shooters participated in the DC Shooting Team Invitational BB Gun Match held on March 22 in Armour, SD.  Teams participating included Davison Co., Douglas Co., Highmore, Humboldt, Kirley, Marshall Co., and Pierre.

Individual results in the 8-9 yr old division:

Jasmine Hays - eighth - sitting.
Alayna Kliewer - tenth - prone; third - standing; fifth - sitting; sixth - kneeling; overall fifth.
Jenna Kruger - fourth - prone; fifth - standing; overall eighth.
Jazzlyn Rombough - third - prone; third - sitting.

10-11 yr old division:

Roper Hammersley - ninth - sitting; seventh - kneeling.
Jessica Hays - third - standing.
Vanya Kliewer - fifth - kneeling.
Justin Merriman - 98 on test; fourth - standing; eighth - sitting; third - kneeling; overall first.
Wyatt Rose - 92 on test; first - prone; sixth - sitting; second - kneeling; overall fourth.
Savannah Shrake - tenth - prone.
Alee Smith - 90 on test; fourth - prone; second - standing; fourth - sitting; overall third.
Noah Smith - 92 on test; ninth - prone.

12-15 yr old division:

Adam Forman - 90 on test; fourth - prone; sixth - sitting; first - kneeling; overall fifth.
Andrew Kliewer - 90 on test.
Natalie Mohr - 96 on test.
Cassandra Ryckman - 98 on test; first - prone; eighth - sitting; fourth - kneeling; overall third.
Zane Schuchard - 94 on test.
Canaan Smith - 96 on test.

Team Results:

8-9 yr old division - Second Place ( Jasmine Hays, Alayna Kliewer, Jenna Kruger, Riley Pfeifer, and Jazzlyn Rombough); 10-11 yr old division - First Place (Jessica Hays, Vanya Kliewer, Justin Merriman, Wyatt Rose, and Alee Smith); 12-15 yr old division - Second Place (Adam Forman, Natalie Mohr, Cassandra Ryckman, Zane Schuchard and Canaan Smith); The whole Pierre team won the Sportsmanship Award.

Categories: BB Gun, Press Room
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